Step Up or Step Aside

Our scorecard is a record of the past that can help us improve outcomes in the future. With that in mind, VISION has identified 13 legislators for a “call to action” to improve their scores in 2021 by partnering with frontline groups to protect them from harmful effects of oil and gas extraction.

District NameScoreGrade
31 ASM Joaquin Arambula (D)11F
62 ASM Autumn Burke (D)59F
51 ASM Wendy Carrillo (D)67D
60 ASM Sabrina Cervantes (D)61D
64 ASM Mike Gipson (D)1F
28 ASM Evan Low (D)45F
61 ASM Jose Medina (D)29F
40 ASM James Ramos (D)0F
52 ASM Freddie Rodriguez (D)26F
18 Senator Bob Hertzberg (D)64D
40 Senator Ben Hueso (D)65D
31 Senator Richard Roth (D)53F
22 Senator Susan Rubio (D)21F

Joaquin Arambula (D)

STATE ASSEMBLY - District 31

Assemblymember Arambula is a physician who knows firsthand the public health impacts of an unhealthy environment, so we were dismayed to see him vote against the setbacks bill, AB 345 (Muratsuchi), last year. We call on Dr. Arambula to protect public health by supporting setbacks legislation this year.

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Autumn Burke (D)

STATE ASSEMBLY - District 62

Assemblymember Burke has been a strong leader on workforce, poverty and children’s issues, and we hope she will partner with frontline communities and become an advocate for setbacks legislation this year.

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Wendy Carrillo (D)

STATE ASSEMBLY - District 51

Assemblymember Carrillo inexplicably abstained from voting on AB 345 (Muratsuchi), despite facing no realistic challenger for her seat and claiming to have advanced environmental justice and public health during the pandemic. We call on Assemblymember Carrillo to take meaningful steps toward protecting frontline communities and support setbacks legislation this year.

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Sabrina Cervantes (D)

STATE ASSEMBLY - District 60

Assemblymember Cervantes also abstained from voting on AB 345 (Muratsuchi). We appreciate Asm. Cervantes’ leadership in calling for just transition to a lower carbon economy, and hope her commitment will extend to communities negatively impacted by carbon intensive industries. We call on her to help us support workers AND communities by voting for setbacks legislation this year.

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Mike Gipson (D)

STATE ASSEMBLY - District 64

We were dismayed that, despite representing a district heavily impacted by oil production, Asm. Gipson abstained from voting on the setbacks bill. We urge Assemblymember Gipson to listen to his constituents -- and to science -- and to support a setbacks bill this year.

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Evan Low (D)

STATE ASSEMBLY - District 28

We appreciate Assemblymember Low’s leadership on several progressive issues, like LGBTQ rights. But despite facing no realistic challenger for his seat, Assemblymember Low abstained from voting on AB 345 (Muratsuchi) last year. We call on Assemblymember Low to take action to protect frontline communities by supporting a setbacks bill this year.

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Jose Medina (D)

STATE ASSEMBLY - District 61

Despite his low score, we applaud Assemblymember Medina for voting for AB 345 (Muratsuchi) in 2020, and encourage him to continue taking bold action to protect frontline communities this year.

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James Ramos (D)

STATE ASSEMBLY - District 40

Assemblymember Ramos has the lowest score of any Democratic in this scorecard. His lack of engagement on environmental justice issues is frustrating, but we aren’t giving up on him - we urge Asm. Ramos to meet with representatives of frontline community groups, and to support setbacks legislation this year.

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Freddie Rodriguez (D)

STATE ASSEMBLY - District 52

Despite a lifetime of service as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Assemblymember Rodriguez abstained from voting on the setbacks bill, AB 345 (Muratsuchi), last year. We call on Asm. Rodriquez to take a proactive step to improve public health by supporting a setbacks bill this year.

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Robert Hertzberg (D)

STATE SENATE - District 18

Despite his claim to be an environmental champion, Senator Hertzberg inexplicably organized the opposition argument to the setbacks bill, AB 345 (Muratsuchi), effectively killing the bill and delaying justice for frontline communities for yet another year. We urge Senator Hertzberg to work in respectful partnership with frontline groups, and to pass setbacks legislation this year.

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Ben Hueso (D)

STATE SENATE - District 40

Despite claiming to be a strong environmental advocate, Sen. Hueso helped to kill the setbacks bill, AB 345 (Muratsuchi). He also claimed setbacks had no relationship to COVID-19, despite research and common sense suggesting a relationship between respiratory disease and air pollution. We urge Sen. Hueso to help protect frontline communities from further harm by passing setbacks legislation this year.

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Richard Roth (D)

STATE SENATE - District 31

We appreciate Senator Roth’s leadership on COVID-19 reponse, with the reminder that the pandemic is impacting communities burdened by pollution at disproportionate rates. A true solution includes addressing root causes of these communities’ increased vulnerability. We call on Sen. Roth to take action on those upstream causes by supporting setbacks legislation this year.

More Info (PDF)


Susan Rubio (D)

STATE SENATE - District 22

Senator Rubio, as a public school teacher, understands that children cannot learn in unhealthy environments. Therefore, we urge Sen. Rubio to work with us to protect frontline communities -- including the many children in their unhealthy environments -- by supporting setbacks legislation this year.

More Info (PDF)