Lost Causes

Sadly, some legislators in Sacramento will never see the light on environmental justice.


Whether because they lack the courage to stand up to the fossil fuel industry, they don’t see public health in frontline communities as the crisis that it is, or simply because they hail from a district that is so conservative any opposition to oil and gas is a non-starter, these legislators are not realistic targets for advocacy. It doesn’t mean we’re any less disappointed by their votes, but merely that efforts to persuade elected officials to embrace environmental justice and a Just Transition to a fossil fuel-free economy are better spent elsewhere.


State Assembly

Grade Name
F Adam Gray (D-21)
F Blanca Rubio (D-48)
F Brian Maienschein (D-77)
F Chad Mayes (I-42)
F Devon Mathis (R-26)
F Frank Bigelow (R-5)
F Heath Flora (R-12)
F James Gallagher (R-3)
F Jim Cooper (D-9)
F Jim Frazier (D-11)
F Jim Patterson (R-23)
F Jordan Cunningham (R-35)
F Ken Cooley (D-8)
F Kevin Kiley (R-6)
F Marie Waldron (R-75)
F Megan Dahle (R-1)
F Patrick O'Donnell (D-70)
F Phillip Chen (R-55)
F Randy Voepel (R-71)
F Rudy Salas (D-32)
F Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-65)
F Steven Choi (R-68)
F Tim Grayson (D-14)
F Tom Daly (D-69)
F Tom Lackey (R-36)
F Vince Fong (R-34)

State Senate

FAndreas Borgeas (R-8)
FAnna Caballero (D-12)
FBrian Dahle (R-1)
FBrian Jones (R-38)
FCathleen Gagliani (D-5)
FJim Nielsen (R-4)
FMelissa Hurtado (D-14)
FPatricia Bates (R-36)
FScott Wilk (R-21)
FShannon Grove (R-16)